We are delighted to announce that Ghulam Ali FCCA, UAECA, Head of Client Accounting at Rosemont Partners, has been awarded the prestigious ACCA Middle East Fellowship certificate. This recognition comes after five years of dedicated membership with the ACCA Middle East global network.
In a personal letter, Ghulam was commended for his commitment to upholding the values and ethical standards of the ACCA profession. The Fellowship certificate entitles him to use the letters FCCA after his name, signifying his seniority and unwavering dedication to his field.
Ghulam continues to deliver a range of services to our clients both in the UAE and internationally, including financial reporting, taxation, auditing, and statutory compliance. His expertise ensures that our clients remain compliant with all regulatory requirements, while receiving comprehensive and tailored accounting services.
If you have any questions regarding annual filing requirements or taxation obligations, please feel free to reach out to Ghulam directly at Ghulam.Ali@Rosemont.Partners.
We extend our warmest congratulations to Ghulam on this significant achievement!