Professional Licence​

In the UAE, professional licences are focused on businesses which offer services, consultancies or skills. Professional licences can be owned 100% by a foreign national or company as a foreign Branch or Representative office, by appointing a Local Service Agent. 

For individual ownership – the business can be registered as a Sole Establishment or a Civil Company – depending on the number of shareholders.

A Local Service Agent, does not hold any shares in the company, nor can the LSA acquire control on the day to day business operations. The primary purpose of the LSA is to act as a representative – without any civil responsibility or monetary compulsions. 

Rosemont Partners, can provide a Corporate Local Service Agent for an on behalf of the company, providing full support where and when required. 

Professional businesses are for individuals or companies, specialised in different fields such as consultancies, accountants, legal advisors, advertising professionals and entertainment artists.